:Random Bible Verse - for a not so Random Universe: John 14:23

Jesus replied,
  "If anyone loves me,
        he will obey my teaching. 
   My Father will love him, and we will come to him and make our home with him.

John 14:23 (NIV)

There is no way to the Father except through Christ. Christ came to this world to save us, save us from eternal damnation and give us a NEW way....HIS way,

 through love -

   Christ's love saved us  
               from a life of having to be "good enough" ...from a life of sadness and hopeless servitude.  
 Christ's teachings are those of love and forgiveness and He promises me and you that if we do... love Him and obey Him then He will come in and abide in us - and with Christ inside, you no longer have to hide, you no longer have to wonder "what if" because He's given us the ultimate gift... Life.
  Because the things of this world are only temporary but God is forever - and with Him in us, we will also live forever- dwelling in the peace and love of His majestic touch - healing us and changing us... from the inside out. 
So my prayer for today, is that we will all - each and every day,  
in each and every way 
                        lay -  
          ourselves down, 
and pick up the crown of life, 
  by letting go- of hostility - anger and strife and allowing the Lord to take over this fight...we call life. 

God bless you brothers and sisters,
and please try and be a blessing to others.

