A Prayer: Forgive me for all that I am Father, and all that I am not. -I call on Your name and You answer me. You are with me in trouble and prosperity. You have lifted me up far above my enemies...

Jesus. Thank you.  

Thank You for the sacrifice you made for me.

 Thank You for saving me, 

Thank You for coming into my life

 - into my situation and meeting me right where I was...

right where I needed you.

Thank You for saving me from a life of lies and confusion.

Thank You for giving me a voice and giving me clarity. 
Thank You for saving me. 

And Lord... even tho sometimes I mess up
I pray Lord... that you forgive me. 

Forgive me for all that I am Father, 

and all that I am not.

Forgive me for at times....desiring peace and speaking ill

forgive my idol words and illwill.

Lord forgive me for all the sins I cannot mention 

- for You Father see all things...

you truly know all things...
and still You have delivered me!
Thank You Father.

And I pray that You guide me Father,

show me the way oh God 

keep my lips from speaking evil

and my eyes on You and You alone. 

Forgive me for searching else where,

instead of looking straight to You at all times... and for everything

Lord give my soul peace

 and my heart a song to sing!

Give me more of Your love

 so that my heart is full 

and I lack no good thing!

Bless my household and my finances,

Bless my tithes and offerings, 

As you give unto me - I give unto you Lord. 

Thank you for loving me Lord, 

Thank you for loving me like no one else ever could. 

I bless and praise your name. 

For you are Holy and Your name should be lifted up on high!

I call on Your name and You answer me.

You are with me in trouble  and  prosperity. 

You have lifted me up far above my enemies...

Thank you for healing my heart.

Giving me a new start.

And showing me the way.
In  Jesus’ name I pray.
be blessed...and a blessing to others - 

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Anonymous said…
i love it :)
-KiWi thee Antibarbie