Sodomite! Is it really a dirty word?
:e x p a n d y o u r m i n d:
"The word 'sodomite' is not found in the original Hebrew, nor is it found in the Greek. It was not until AFTER the rise of the hierarchy in the institutional Church that the account of Sodom and Gomorrah began to be equated with homosexuality. The word 'sodomite' then came into use. If the truth be known, the original use of this word referred simply to a person who was a resident of Sodom."
From Christians Combating Homophobia Among Christians by Rev Fred Pattison
From Christians Combating Homophobia Among Christians by Rev Fred Pattison
So next time your walking hand and hand with your gf/bf and someone yells "SoDomIte!" Just yell back, "No silly we're American!" lol. Be blessed brothers and sisters...and a blessing to others. :D
Random Fact:
The word "homosexual" did not appear in the Bible until 1958. ( update: 11/30/23 - 1946)
The word "homosexual" did not appear in the Bible until 1958. ( update: 11/30/23 - 1946)
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