Bex loves the KiDs - it's beginning to look a lot like this Christmas, just for me- how about a bit of change?

As I discussed in an earlier blog- I am a newly inducted member of Phi Theta Kappa Int’l Honors Society, as a member I am open to and involved in various service projects around the city. By far my favorite is the time spent at one of Miami’s homeless shelters for families. The program involves tutoring and mentoring children from the ages of 5 to 15 . 
And.... there are always so many kids!!!
 The first time it was a bit overwhelming even for a laid-back child-loving person like myself. But only a few minutes had to pass before I found myself playing computer games with three kids while one was hugging/hanging onto me. I remember leaving that first day thinking, “Wow that was fun, I can’t wait till tomorrow!” 
I’ve had so many rewarding experiences... But to see their faces when the Christmas gifts were being given out...
Christmas is a time where we can easily be caught up in material things... some people might be depressed because last Christmas they had a job or a car or more money... But I think it’s important to take a STEP BACK and remember others. Think about your neighbor- your fellow man- that person who’s ‘luck’ might have run out and is living in a shelter for the first time. For those kids who don’t have parents, or who’s parent is locked up - Think about those without family- And when you think about all these people don’t stop thinking until do you DO SOMETHING... call that relative you haven’t talked to since four Christmas’s ago and reconnect, 
                                                   share the love, 
Don’t talk about change - BE the change. Volunteer. Do something.
Visit nursing homes, help out those who are less fortunate than you are... Even if you don’t feel like you are that fortunate yourself - Even if you’re like many Americans who  don’t know how they will afford their homes.  
   With a recession - 
           two wars -
 unemployment on the rise - there are a lot of things to stress you out- but helping other’s relieves stress. 
You will be surprised how good you feel after you do something for someone else. 
But don’t take my word for it. Try it for yourself! 
be blessed and be a blessing to others


Anonymous said…
That is so true...I received a call from my sister the other day and she said her co worker was less fortunate she had 3 children and not enough money to provide Christmas for them. She didn't ask for anything and she said they would understand but that did not sit right with my sister. So we put our heads together and came up with something. I already set in my mind that I was not buying christmas gifts this year but, found myself on the internet looking for clothes for the kids...My sister told me yesterday while she was at the house her co worker got those boxes and her eyes watered with tears. Your blessings to someone does not have to be someone you know but, someone who needs it the most. I feel blessed when I am able to bless someone else that was my Christmas present to myself. Keep up the good work BEX love you

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