Truth Not Trickery: Homosexuality is NOT a Sin

To all those who've been rejected, neglected or told that God doesn't love you because your Gay or Lesbian or Bisexual or "Confused" --- your not alone.

So many of us have been in your shoes, and the path we walk is harder than most but I'm here tell you that God loves you just the same and your love IS NOT a sin.
And I say this not because this is what I say, but because this is what JESUS said, and our salvation is threw the Son of God.

Some people try to use the Bible as a rule book and tell you that God doesn't love you because of this or because of that... But John 3:16 says that ANYONE can be saved, not just straight people... and since homosexuality is not a choice we are not saved from our "sin" through grace, but we are called to lead righteous and pure lives. And by pure I don't mean abstinent, I mean not going to the club and sleeping with every guy or girl you see because your are lonely. This type of behavior is sinful because you are putting sex in God's place. God's word says He is our hiding place, His love is the love you seek when you are lonely, or sad, or in need. When we fill these feelings with other people or things, they become idols - Idols are simply things you put in God's place, or above God. Idols don't have to be tangible things. God loved us so much that He send His ONLY son to the world, not JUST to die but to SHOW us the way. In the Bible Jesus said,

"Do not suppose that I have come to bring peace to the earth. I did not come to bring peace, but a sword. For I have come to turn "'a man against his father, a daughter against her mother, a daughter-in-law against her mother-in-law--a man's enemies will be the members of his own household.'

Jesus was a rebel, He was killed by those who claimed to follow His father, and was rejected by His own people, yet still He loved the people who misunderstood Him so much that He LET Himself be killed for them... and for us... for you. Jesus knows what it feels like to be hated and rejected, and neglected because of who He was. And Jesus' love is your salvation regardless of if your gay, straight or whatever.

What? Huh? Being gay isn't a sin?!?!

What about all those bible verses people yell at me?

We'll talk about that soon... stay tuned.

In the mean time, pray, ask God for yourself because a relationship with the Lord isn't something someone else can build for you, when you know God for yourself you can simply ask Him, "God show me the things in my life that need to change." But if you don't know the voice of the Lord, how can you hear His answer?

If you don't know how to pray, just start with "Lord Jesus thank you for dying for me, I believe that your sacrifice has saved me from my sins, I pray that you forgive me for all the sins I've committed and today I promise to love you forever. Please guide me and show me the right path to follow."

Be Blessed,
...and be a blessing to others :)


Davida G said…
hey wats up..i just wanted to know wat you thought about Romans a homosexual been out for like 2 yrs goin on 3 raised in a christian home and etc...i was readin Romans and i just wanted to know ur take on it
Hey Davida thanks for interacting and bringing that question up I'm actually working on a new blog talking about just that passage- so check back in just a few days I you will have your detailed answer :-)

God bless you, and I pray that His love overshadows you and guides you along the way...

R. Calloway
Anonymous said…
you are confusing the word of God so that people will be comfortable in the posistion they are in. IT IS A SIN TO BE GAY just as it IS to be sexually immoral in other ways. You may think that your are helping people but really you are only justifying behaviour that they will e judged for... NOT COOL, You will be judged even more for teaching such falsehood and leading people who want to change astray..
God's child said…
She is not confusing God's word - she is stating that God loves you regardless of your sexuality and you as a Gay person have a right to love and be loved by God. You my dear blogger are falsely leading people into believing that unless they are perfect then God does not love them. The person that was perfect was Jesus. I wish you peace and love in Jesus name but use your time not to judge God's messengers but to gain wisdom that God is love whether you are Gay or straight.