Some might wonder why I call myself :MetaMorPhosis: well I suppose last night is a great example of why... because I'm in a state of constant change-persistently reevaluating myself and my situations to not only become a better person- but to do my part in creating a better world. In high school I couldn't even dream of making an A- I was terrible at math, science, history... really everything and anything except English. I graduated with something slightly higher than a 2.0 and my SAT scores were just embarrassing. If you told my mom that she would be sitting at a college honor society induction watching ME... ha! She would have laughed and told you that you must have me confused with someone else...
and she might have been right... because I'm not the same person I was in high school- I've come a long way from the days of skipping school and sleeping in class. I m e t a m o r p h ' d as I oh so often do - I AM MetaMorPhosis : a constant change for Christ. Because I am constantly letting go and loosing parts of who I thought I was to make room for the person who Christ is molding me into - I am no stranger to change- I eagerly embrace it, I am not the same person I was even 6 months ago- and I won't be the same person 6 months from now, I am a student of life- constantly working to improve myself and with Christ's help... it looks like I'm doing pretty well...
So here's to HIM who was the one truly inducted last night, because without God- I would still be that slacker with a 2.0 and how I'm a Phi Theta Kappa with a 3.64 -and still...always striving for MORE!
Be blessed and a blessing....
R. Calloway