::YouR rAnDom Bible Verse 4 toDay:: from a RaNdom Christian Lesbian of 2morrow : God ALWAYS shows up for His people!
PsaLms 50:14-15
"Make thanksgiving your sacrifice to God,
and perform your vows to the Most High,
and call upon me in the day of trouble;
I will deliver you, and you shall glorify me.”
When is thanksgiving ever a sacrifice?
Think about that-
When IS being thankful a sacrifice?
When you don't want to be-
When you don't have something tangible to be thankful for at the moment -
When you don't FEEL like being thankful...
That's just when you MUST
That's when you have to remember to forget
the situation-
and just TRUST- in the Lord, because He is your salvation-
not only in life, but in each and every situation!
When you don't FEEL like praising-
that's when you have to press in
and offer a sacrifice of praise to God.
You see, so often we forget what a sacrifice really is,
sacrifice |ˈsakrəˌfīs|noun
• an act of giving up something valued for the sake of something else regarded as more important or worthy :
An act of giving up something... giving up something that we didn't want to give up, giving up something that maybe at the time you just would have rather held on to. Like pride, how many times has God asked you to do something but you let your pride get in the way?
"But God what if... "
"How do I know....?"
It's easy to have faith and let God set up the situation for to you walk right in to-- but the true test comes when faced with work.
When you have to step out on faith and endure the trial.
When put to the flame does your fire for the Lord burn brighter or is it snuffed out?
If you feel like the Lord isn't hearing your call do you stop calling? Or press in?
When the enemy says "Give in."
Or do you offer a SaCRiFiCE of praise to the Lord- do you hold on to His unchanging hand trusting that in His PeRFeCT time He will deliver you?
OR... do you get impatient and childishly attempt to DEMAND things of the Lord?
The Lord will NOT meet your demands, He is NOT a genie in a bottle. He is the Lord your God, His is the Alpha and Omega , His love saved you when you were lost and alone and His word says that trials WILL come, to strengthen you - so knowing that -
What DO you do?
What have you been doing?
And is it what the Lord is calling you to do?
Are you making thanksgiving your sacrifice?
Are you getting on your knees and thanking Him for all the things He has done for you?
Are you allowing Him to strengthen you?
Or are you...
Just -
Giving up?
Be blessed sisters and brothers- and please try and be a blessing to another :)
R. Calloway
"Make thanksgiving your sacrifice to God,
and perform your vows to the Most High,
and call upon me in the day of trouble;
I will deliver you, and you shall glorify me.”
When is thanksgiving ever a sacrifice?
Think about that-
When IS being thankful a sacrifice?
When you don't want to be-
When you don't have something tangible to be thankful for at the moment -
When you don't FEEL like being thankful...
That's just when you MUST
That's when you have to remember to forget
the situation-
and just TRUST- in the Lord, because He is your salvation-
not only in life, but in each and every situation!
When you don't FEEL like praising-
that's when you have to press in
and offer a sacrifice of praise to God.
You see, so often we forget what a sacrifice really is,
sacrifice |ˈsakrəˌfīs|noun
• an act of giving up something valued for the sake of something else regarded as more important or worthy :
An act of giving up something... giving up something that we didn't want to give up, giving up something that maybe at the time you just would have rather held on to. Like pride, how many times has God asked you to do something but you let your pride get in the way?
"But God what if... "
or your doubt?
"How do I know....?"
It's easy to have faith and let God set up the situation for to you walk right in to-- but the true test comes when faced with work.
When you have to step out on faith and endure the trial.
When put to the flame does your fire for the Lord burn brighter or is it snuffed out?
If you feel like the Lord isn't hearing your call do you stop calling? Or press in?
When the enemy says "Give in."
Do you?
Or do you offer a SaCRiFiCE of praise to the Lord- do you hold on to His unchanging hand trusting that in His PeRFeCT time He will deliver you?
OR... do you get impatient and childishly attempt to DEMAND things of the Lord?
The Lord will NOT meet your demands, He is NOT a genie in a bottle. He is the Lord your God, His is the Alpha and Omega , His love saved you when you were lost and alone and His word says that trials WILL come, to strengthen you - so knowing that -
What DO you do?
What have you been doing?
And is it what the Lord is calling you to do?
Are you making thanksgiving your sacrifice?
Are you getting on your knees and thanking Him for all the things He has done for you?
Are you allowing Him to strengthen you?
Or are you...
Just -
Giving up?
"Make thanksgiving your sacrifice to God,
and perform your vows to the Most High,
and perform your vows to the Most High,
and call upon Me in the day of trouble;
I will deliver you, and you shall glorify Me.”
Be blessed sisters and brothers- and please try and be a blessing to another :)
R. Calloway
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