
Showing posts from August, 2010

His steadfast LoVe endures forever::YouR rAnDom Bible Verse 4 toDay:: from a RaNdom Christian Lesbian of 2morrow:

::YouR rAnDom Bible Verse 4 toDay:: from a RaNdom Christian Lesbian of 2morrow: Giving vs Recieving

::YouR rAnDom Bible Verse 4 toDay:: from a RaNdom Christian Lesbian of 2morrow: In the time of need

::YouR rAnDom Bible Verse 4 toDay:: from a RaNdom Christian Lesbian of 2morrow: Blessed be the Name of the Lord!!!!

::YouR rAnDom Bible Verse 4 toDay:: from a RaNdom Christian Lesbian of 2morrow : God ALWAYS shows up for His people!

::YouR rAnDom Bible Verse 4 toDay:: from a RaNdom Christian Lesbian of 2morrow: Staying in Prayer

When the path gets hard to stay on...and its gets harder and harder to breathe - exhale and remember the nail - in His arm.